What is Makakooo?

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Makakooo is an antiracist brand of hoodies, t-shirts, and other clothing items that, besides looking cool, it actively works to make the fight against discrimination fashionable.

If you have ever heard derogatory comments like “ape”, “macaque”, “beaner”, or worse, just for being you, then you’re most likely part of the vast majority of the world’s population that don’t share “Caucasian” features, and that will be a victim of racism in one way or another, throughout their life. So, you’ll probably understand why we do what we do.

If you’ve ever heard about cases of discrimination, but have never suffered due to those racist comments being directed at you: congratulations! You’re probably benefiting from white privilege in some way. But that doesn’t mean you can’t become aware of it and join the fight to avoid racism.

A lot of racial discrimination cases are not only about being called slurs on the street, or about the demeaned looks you get every time you walk into a store; or for having the police search through your backpack in a degrading and belittling way that they wouldn’t treat a white person with. It’s a serious social issue that claims the lives of thousands of people every year.

And these people have names and surnames, as well as families who continue to seek justice for them: George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Adama Traoré, Luana Barbosa dos Reis Santos, João Pedro Matos Pinto, Kevin Clarke, Janner García Palomino, and many, many more. It all starts with an insult, but it can end in a hate crime.

Unfortunately, we live in a world of systemic racism, where it’s not just a handful of racist people that feel entitled to assault and even take the lives of others because of how they look, their skin tone, or simply for being migrants: it’s the institutions, too, the governments, the police, the media, and the social discourses of “meritocracy” continue to obstruct equality as if we all really had the “same opportunities”.

What does it mean when they shout “macaque” or “beaner” at us? It means they think we are second-class citizens. It means they think we don’t have the right to belong. It means they think we are criminals just for seeking a better life, after colonialism stripped everything from our cultures and countries of origin.

But, what they don’t know is that all these “macaques” are a hard-working, supportive, critical, and rebellious people, who will not sit back and idly watch racism in the world. We’re bringing the fight to them. We are going to create an army of “macaques” to combat against racism and ignorance at its source. We are going to fight for diversityequity, and inclusion. And we are going to win.

At Makakooo, we appropriate the insult, and redefine it to remind the world that we have agency over our own destiny. We want our brand to become an antiracist statement, and for everyone who wears it to invite others to shout in unison #WeAllAreMakakooo.

We are dedicated to providing you with original, high-quality products. As an inclusive company, our organizational and manufacturing policies stand firmly against all forms of discrimination, including racial, social class, gender, religious, sexual orientation, or ideological basis. Makakooo is a purpose-driven brand, catering to all ages, gender-neutral, apolitical, and non-religious. We pledge to donate a percentage of our sales to various NGOs worldwide.

We all belong to the same race: the human race. No one is superior or inferior based on the color of their skin, their country of origin, or for what language they speak. We are all human and deserve the right to dignity, where we can go everywhere with our heads held high and express our style and roots without fear. Everyone should have the opportunity to pursue our dreams and to fight for a better world for all.

Let’s send a powerful and unmistakable message together:

We are all the same

All against racism

We All Are Makakooo

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