Since 2014, Ecoar das Vozes Arte e Cultura has been an organization dedicated to promoting equity, justice, and dignity for marginalized communities. As a Black non-profit organization, its mission is to defend fundamental rights and combat racism and all forms of discrimination, providing opportunities for people in socially vulnerable situations in the state of Goiás.

In its 6th edition, in the year 2024, Ecoar das Vozes continues to empower communities to forge their own destiny, building a more just and inclusive future for all. The organization develops actions to rescue Afro-Brazilian culture and showcase how ancestral knowledge can contribute to a better quality of life in these times through education, art, and culture.

01 – Elas do Brasil Project

This project aims to develop and implement cross-sectoral strategies that contribute to poverty eradication and reduction of social disparities. The program includes relevant actions in the following areas:

  • Anti-racist, technical, and political-civic training.
  • Economic and social development.
  • Combatting violence; multiple, aggravated, or intersectional discrimination.
  • Intersectional discrimination.
  • Physical and mental health, art, and culture.
  • Beneficiaries: Women and girls of all ages living in various regions of Brazil.

02 – Sharing Hope Project

This initiative aims to promote reflection and dialogue on the challenges faced in the fight against discrimination in the postmodern era. Through talks, debates, and cultural activities, the project explores topics such as racism in the age of artificial intelligence, anti-racist education, political representation, Afro-futurism, and Black protagonism.

Sharing Hope creates spaces for the empowerment and strengthening of racial identity, as well as fostering the active participation of Black, Indigenous, peripheral youth, LGBTQIA+, and disabled people in building a more just and equal society. Ecoar das Vozes is committed to an ongoing process of social justice.

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