Against racist comments: Celebrate uniqueness and create an inclusive environment

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Racism is a complex issue that permeates all social spheres, and one of its primary vehicles for manifestation is language. How much harm can a racist comment do? Aren’t words supposed to be fleeting?

In reality, language is a powerful force that shapes our perception and gives particular symbolic weight to people and situations. By eliminating racism from our language, we strip discrimination of one of its most powerful weapons.

What is considered a racist comment?

First, let’s establish a distinction between a racial insult and a racist comment. Terms like “negro,” “beaner,” “ape,” or “macaque” are insults when used in a derogatory manner. Stereotypical tropes like “asians are good at math”, “gypsies are thieves” or “blacks cheat on school exams” are racist comments. They assume (the negative and the positive) about a person based solely on their ethnicity or place of origin.

Racial discrimination in all its forms can be explicit or subtle, jokingly or hostile; it can even be well-intentioned, stemming from ignorance rather than malice, but in any case, it contributes to perpetuating a discourse that normalizes discrimination and inequality through the process of racialization

What about statistics? Sometimes, statistics apparently demonstrate certain racial predispositions. For example, prisons in the United States can consist of up to 90 % African American or Latino inmates. Doesn’t that clearly indicate that these groups are more prone to crime than others? No, it has been proven that such racial overrepresentations have much more to do with systemic racism, precarious living conditions, segregation, and the fact that it is often easier to prosecute and incarcerate someone belonging to a minority.

In other words, the statistics that seem to “justify” our racist comments have nothing to do with race at all, but with the cultural and social conditions to which the dominant discourse subjects members of that race.

How to identify a racist comment?

Racist comments come in many forms, and some are so subtle or “well-intentioned” that they can be difficult to identify or denounce at first glance. Often, we might repeat them without even realizing it, or we stay silent when a comment makes us uncomfortable because we don’t know how to explain why it’s offensive. This silence ultimately reinforces their normalization.

A comment becomes racist when it:

  • Assumes character traits based on ethnicity: “Black people are more aggressive than white people” or “All Native Americans are pure of heart.”
  • Implies that one race is superior or more “evolved” than others: “People with brown skin are genetically closer to our primate ancestors than whites” or “Blacks are biologically designed for more demanding physical labor, and whites for intellectual activities.”
  • Denotes lesser intellectual capacity or cultural background: “Please explain the lesson more slowly, so the African American students can understand.”
  • Imposes hierarchies between people or service roles based on skin color: “Tell that dark-skinned guy to help us carry the bags.”
  • Is condescending and assumes unfounded social disadvantages: “It must have been very difficult for you to get into college, considering your background” or “You are very polite despite being Latino.”
  • Implies that the person is lying about their origin: “You don’t look Spanish, where are you really from?” or “Well, but where did your family emigrate from?”
  • Tries to distance itself from racism before making an apparently objective generalization: “I’m not racist, but I’ve clearly found that gypsies are not to be trusted.”
  • Implies that characteristics associated with the white race are the standard of beauty or success: “Look how cute the baby is, so light-skinned.”

What is an inclusive environment free of racist comments and/or attitudes?

An inclusive environment is one where all individuals, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, or any other personal characteristic, feel valued, respected, and safe.

The best companies for diversity and inclusion, along with organizations committed to antiracism, understand that actively fighting to eliminate all forms of racist comments and attitudes is essential. Racism is so deeply embedded in society that “good intentions” alone are generally not enough. Here are some practical suggestions for creating inclusive environments in the workplace and in schools:

Creating an inclusive environment in the workplace

Establish clear policies: Develop and promote clear policies against racism and discrimination, including straightforward procedures for reporting and effectively handling racist incidents.

Take immediate action: Respond promptly and appropriately to reports of racist behavior or comments.

Offer regular training: Provide continuous training on diversity, equity, and inclusion that covers topics such as unconscious biases, subtle racism, and inclusive communication.

Celebrate cultural differences: Recognize and celebrate cultural differences, rather than hiding them as if they were something to be ashamed of.

Promote diverse hiring practices: Implement hiring practices that promote diversity, ensuring that employment opportunities are accessible to individuals from all backgrounds.

Creating an inclusive environment in schools

Integrate diversity education: Incorporate lessons on the history and impact of racism, as well as the importance of diversity and inclusion, into the school curriculum.

Design safe procedures: Develop clear and safe procedures for handling bullying and discrimination.

Engage the community: Involve parents, students, and staff in creating and maintaining an inclusive environment. This can include forming diversity committees and hosting multicultural events.

Role model behavior: Ensure that teachers and administrative staff act as role models in promoting inclusion and respect.

Provide open channels: Establish public and uncensored channels where students can express their concerns and experiences regarding racism and discrimination.

Creating environments of equity and inclusion that celebrate diversity and are free from racist comments and attitudes is a shared responsibility requiring the commitment and action of everyone. At Makakooo, we believe in the power of words and the importance of using them consciously and respectfully.

Through education, respect, and critical thinking, we can contribute to a more inclusive discourse and the fight against racism. Together, we can build a fairer and more respectful society.

We are all the same.

All against racism.

We All Are Makakooo.

Join our mission to combat racism through fashion and activism. Visit our online store.


Negros e hispanos suman el 90 % de encarcelados de Nueva York en un año.

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