Makakooo is a movement that fights against racial discrimination and has found in the redefinition of an insult the best way to remind everyone that we all belong to the same and only race, the human race.

Makakooo transforms from being a racist insult to becoming an anti-racist statement.

Makakooo steps into the world for the first time as a brand that seeks to make the anti-racist struggle fashionable through: hoodies, t-shirts, and garments that with a very cool style invite everyone to say in unison #WeAllAreMakakooo.

Makakooo is a brand with a purpose, for all ages, gender-neutral, apolitical, and non- religious, which will donate a percentage of its sales profits to different NGOs in various countries around the world.

We all are the same. All against racism. We all are Makakooo


Football against racism: no longer swept under the rug

Sports are among the most egalitarian spheres that we have: appearance, race, and background shouldn’t be the point of reference, but rather the player’s ability. At least, that’s how it should be. However, the reality is that cases of racism in sports, especially in soccer, and news of discrimination are not only common, but are often worse given the context.

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Race and racial discrimination, how to say NO to racism?

Racism is a pervasive issue that affects society and communities in numerous ways. Understanding its roots and manifestations is the first step towards taking a zero-tolerance stance and stopping the normalization of racial discrimination around us. Together, we can create a fairer and more equal world where no one is discriminated against due to the color of their skin. Let’s combat racism together!

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What is Makakooo?

Makakooo is an antiracist brand of hoodies, t-shirts, and other clothing items that, besides looking cool, it actively works to make the fight against discrimination fashionable.

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